Unity Cemetery & Chapel

250th Anniversary Plein Air & Exhibition

History of Unity Cemetery & Chapel

The history of Unity Cemetery and Chapel began nearly two and a half centuries ago. Not only does it embrace the immediate area—Unity Township and the city of Latrobe—but it is actually interwoven with the beginnings of Westmoreland County and of western Pennsylvania.

There are no records that can be found to show the exact date on which the Unity Church was formally organized; however, tradition gives the date as July 13, 1782. On that Saturday, the congregation was meeting formally for the first time to organize as Unity Church, with the official sanction of the mother church in Philadelphia. 

It was during Reverend Gillette’s pastorate (1849-1868) that the town of Latrobe came into existence. In 1857, Unity built a mission church in the town, at 343 Main Street. On March 1, 1869, a separate church—the Latrobe Presbyterian Church—was formed. 

The cemetery property has increased considerably since the original 1774 land grant of sixty acres. Today, the Unity Cemetery Association cares for more than two hundred acres. 


Celebrating a Legacy

Today, the beautiful building called simply Unity Chapel—along with the quiet and pristine cemetery surrounding it—stands as a lasting legacy, reflecting the faith and dedication of those who have come to worship here. Many have taken time after the services to read the items of history recorded on the many plaques about the sanctuary. The courageous pioneers who worshiped in a simple log church on this wooded hilltop have inspired the generations who have followed them. Courage, faith, and determination; the love of God and country and community; respect for their heritage and hope for the future—these were the principles that guided the founders of Unity more than two centuries ago. Thanks to the efforts of the Unity Cemetery Association, the Unity Chapel Committee, and the many members and friends of the Latrobe Presbyterian Church who continue to support the Unity Chapel Endowment Fund, we are able to share in and continue that spirit today.

To commemorate the 250th anniversary of the historic Unity Cemetery and Chapel, there will be a series of events that all are invited to attend. From historical reenactments to family picnics, there are truly ways for all to join us in celebrating. 

250th Anniversary Plein Air & Exhibition

In celebration of the 250th Anniversary of Unity Cemetery and Chapel, artists are invited to paint the landscape and scenes of both the cemetery and chapel to commemorate their enduring legacy.

Participating artists are invited to enter up to four (4) of these completed works into a special anniversary exhibition to be hosted at Latrobe Art Center October 4 - 28, 2024 with a reception on Friday, October 18, 2024. (See below for additional details and registration instructions.)

While artists are invited and encouraged to paint en plein air at the cemetery and chapel at their convenience and/or paint from photographs, below is the list of designated dates where artists will be granted access to the interior of the Chapel and given access to restrooms.

Plein Air Painting Dates:

Wednesday, May 8

Wednesday, June 12

Wednesday, July 10

Wednesday, August 14


Exhibition Entries:

Now through August 14, 2024


  • Open to all artists 18 years of age or older.

  • All work must be the submitting artist’s own original design and concept, created independently and completed between the dates of May 8-September 30, 2024.

  • Reproductions of original artwork will NOT be accepted.

  • Only two-dimensional works of art will be accepted.

  • All entries must be inspired by and/or directly portray depictions and scenes of Unity Cemetery & Chapel

  • All entries must be ready for exhibition. Pieces must be securely fastened with picture wire and ready to hang. NO EXCEPTIONS!


ID Cards

Artwork must be identified with the following information:

  • Artist’s Name

  • Title

  • Medium

  • Framed Size

  • Price

Entry Forms and Fees:

Download the entry form HERE.

Physical entry forms and checks can be dropped off or mailed to the Latrobe Art Center at 819 Ligonier St., Latrobe, PA 15650.


Register and pay online using the link below:

Unity Cemetery & Chapel Anniversary Exhibition Registration


  • $20 (fee includes up to four entries)

Number of Entries:

Delivery of Artwork

Artwork can be dropped off at Latrobe Art Center on Monday, September 30 - Tuesday, October 1, 2024 between 10:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.


This exhibition will be on display at the Latrobe Art Center and online at LatrobeArtCenter.org Friday, October 4 - Monday, October 28, 2024. A Reception will take place on Friday, October 18, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 p.m. at Latrobe Art Center. Awards will be presented at 6:15 p.m.



First Place - $200

Second Place - $150

Third Place - $100

Honorable Mention(s) - $50

* Awards are given at the direction of the Unity Cemetery & Chapel Committee

Artwork Pick-Up

All entries must be picked up at Latrobe Art Center on Tuesday, October 29 - Wednesday, October 30 between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Latrobe Art Center will not store artwork.


Generally, work submitted should be for sale. However, if you wish to exhibit pieces that you do not wish to sell, indicate “Not For Sale” with a zero for the price. A sales commission of 30% will be retained by Latrobe Art Center on all sales. All sales are handled by the staff of Latrobe Art Center.


All artwork will be handled with care. Latrobe Art Center is not responsible for any damages.